mandag den 10. juni 2013

Få Telmore Musik på PC og Mac

Telmore's nye musiktjeneste er en fantastisk bonus for alle Telmore's kunder, men kunne det ikke være fedt at kunne bruge tjenesten på din Mac eller PC? Med dette lille tweak kan du!!

Du skal bruge:
1) Et Telmore abandonment med Telmore Musik
2) En Google account
3) BlueStacks App Player (


Step 1 - Download

Download BlueStacks App Player fra

Step 2 - Installer

Tryk Continue...
App store access er en nødvendighed men
App Notications er  valgfrit
Personligt fravælger jeg AVG toolbar
da jeg har andet Anti virus
(råder dog folk til at fravælge toolbars generalt)
Afvent installationens afslutning

Step 3 - Installer Telmore Musik

Når BlueStacks App Player er loaded, så søg
efter app'en "Telmore" og så burde Telmore Musik
dukke up. Tryk derefter installer.
For at du kan installere app's fra Play Store skal der først
konfigures nogle indstillinger i BlueStacks App Player.
Tryk Continue...
Det første du skal gøre er at logge ind med din
Google Account, og hvis du ikke har en så opret en.
Næste skridt er at sætte "1-Click Sync" op
Tryk Continue...
Igen bliver du bedt om at logge ind på din
Google Account
Derefter får du en liste over din Android devices
som er associeret med din account.
Hvis du ikke har nogle Android devices, så bare
tryk Done.
Herefter er konfiguratioen af Play Store færdig, og
du kan nu færdiggøre din installation af
Telmore Musik
Step 4 - Log ind
Efter Telmore Musik app'en er installeret
så åben den
Herefter log ind med dit telefonnummer eller brugernavn
samt adgangskode
Du har nu adgang til 20 millioner musiknumre gratis på din
Mac eller PC

Hvis du kunne lide denne guide så del den med dine venner!

Spørgsmål kan skrives som kommentar og så vil jeg prøve at besvare dem

Mere information

Hvad er BlueStacks App Player?: (nørd information) BlueStacks App Player er en android emulator som kan kører Android Apps, og siden Telmore Musik kun findes til iOS og Android indtil videre, så kan BlueStacks bruges til at emulere en Android telefon på din Mac eller PC og kører Telmore's musik app derfra. 

mandag den 13. maj 2013

Killing unnecessary processes and freeing up CPU power

Some time ago one of my friends from school started to rage at his laptop because it was so slow, so i offered to shutdown some of his processors to free op some CPU power. Afterwards i thought that i could be nice with a program which could do the same, but without me having to sort through the processors every time. This was my solution...

ProcessKiller 2.0A
This is a simple console based application which quickly can clean up your CPU usage
Manage white-list of processes you want to keep running
Intelligently maintaining processes necessary for Windows
Fast and easy to use with a silent start option
VERY lightweight

if you do encounter any bugs or have any ideas of improvement, please do write a comment!
The source code can be downloaded here (it is a bit messy)

søndag den 12. maj 2013

Arduino RGB LED control with C# .NET

This is a simpel exsampel of how to intergrate the use of a RGB led with the Arduino UNO controled by a C# based code.

1. Arduino

The circut
Each of the wires are marked with the same colour as the pin they are controlling.
Pin 3 to Red (Red wire)
Pin 5 to Green (Green wire)
Pin 6 to Blue (Blue wire)
GND to Ground (Black wire)

The code
void setup()
  // declare the serial comm at 9600 baud rate

  // output pins
  pinMode(6, OUTPUT); // red
  pinMode(5, OUTPUT); // green
  pinMode(3, OUTPUT); // blue

void loop()
  // call the returned value from GetFromSerial() function
  case 'R':
    analogWrite(6, GetFromSerial());
  case 'G':
    analogWrite(5, GetFromSerial());
  case 'B':
    analogWrite(3, GetFromSerial());

// read the serial port
int GetFromSerial()
  while (Serial.available()<=0) {

2. C# .NET

For the sake of this post I made a class which is easy to use, all you have to do is initialize the instance and use the build-in functions to connect and send RGB colour codes to the Arduino. This will only work if associated with the Arduino code above. Feel free to modify the class if necessary!

The code
using System;
using System.IO.Ports;
using System.Linq;

namespace Arduino
    class RGBControl
        //Default COM settings
        public   static     string   PortName = "COM3";
        public   static     int      Baudrate = 9600;

        // Create a new SerialPort object with default settings.
        SerialPort serialPort1 = new SerialPort();

        public RGBControl()
            //Connect to Ardunio with defualt COM settings
            ConnectSerialPort(PortName, Baudrate);

        public RGBControl(string _Portname, int _Baudrate)
            //Connect to Ardunio with user specified Portname and Baudrate
            ConnectSerialPort(_Portname, _Baudrate);

        private void ConnectSerialPort(string Portname, int Baudrate) // The connect function
            // Allow the user to set the appropriate properties.
            serialPort1.PortName = Portname;
            serialPort1.BaudRate = Baudrate;

            // Open Port

        public void SendRGB(int R, int G, int B)
            if (serialPort1.IsOpen)
                //send information
The Class can be downloaded here.
And a sampel project can be downloaded here.

3. Additional information

I used Arduino's own software to program my arduino UNO.
The software can be found here.

I used Visual Studio Ultimate 2012 to program a simpel Windows Form Application.

Feel free to ask questions!